Blog - Page 10 of 22 - Fluorotherm™


How Do Fluoropolymers Help Improve Power to Weight Ratio?

  If you are in the market for a new car, you might run into a term called power to weight ratio. Power to weight ratio is a simple formula where you divide the vehicle’s horsepower by its curb weight. For example, if a four-cylinder vehicle has 300 horsepower and weighs 3,000 lbs., it would…
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What Is Monofilament Fiber Used for?

  One of the fluoropolymer products we manufacture for many different industries is monofilament fiber. In a nutshell, monofilament is a single filament of synthetic fiber. Monofilament is made by melting and mixing polymers. The polymer mixture is then extruded through holes, creating lines of various thickness. While it used in many applications now, many…
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Could Fluoropolymers Help Your Business Save Money?

  Over the years, we have highlighted how businesses from various industries could benefit from using fluoropolymers over plastics for tubing, heat transfer, and many other applications. Fluoropolymers are a polymer made of up of fluoride and carbon. You have probably heard of Teflon®, which is also known as PTFE. This fluoropolymer has the lowest…
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