Fluorotherm's Blog Entries Archives - Page 15 of 17 - Fluorotherm™

Category Archives: Fluorotherm’s Blog Entries

3 FAQ Regarding Fluoropolymers

What are fluoropolymers? Although the term may sound complex, they play an important role in many products that we depend on every day. In fact, you've probably used a product that was made from a fluoropolymer without even realizing it. To help you better understand fluoropolymers and their many uses and benefits, we've examined some…
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Important Industries That Rely on PTFE Tubing

When most people think about uses for PTFE tubing, a lot of different things come to mind. Some people think about air conditioners and other HVAC units because they use durable tubing that can withstand drastic temperature changes. Others think about chemistry and other industries that use labs, because the tough tubing used in them…
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The Benefits of PFA Tubing

For every job there is a tool, and when it comes to movement of viscous or aggressive compounds there’s no better option than PFA tubing.

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